Foto der Schüßlerpreisträgerin Ülkü Bicakci
Foto: FAU/Giulia Iannicelli

Ülkü Bicakci


The Schüßler Prize is awarded to Ülkü Bicakci. She started her studies in economics in the winter semester 2020/21. We all know what that means. A start to her studies under the aggravated pandemic conditions. They couldn’t slow down Ms. Bicakci. Born in 1995 in Giresum (Turkey) on the Black Sea, Ms. Bicakci made her economics studies international from the start, earning her bachelor’s degree in Brisbane, Australia. After her first professional experiences in Australia, she returned to Europe. With great diligence and dedication, Ms. Bicakci has overcome the initial difficulties at FAU. She is expected to complete her master’s degree with an outstanding overall grade in the standard period of study. A doctoral program at the recently opened Ifo Center for Social Market Economy and Institutional Economics is planned.

Ülkü Bicakci is also socially engaged, reaching out to her family, especially her parents. Ms. Bicakci is a role model for our students from all over the world. Congratulations to the Hans Wilhelm und Helga Schüßler-Prize 2022.

alle FAU Awards 2022